Sunday 3 July 2011

Wedding Night!

Near the end of our wedding, my friend Jessica asked me where Peter and I were staying that night. We hadn't really planned anything and would have been happy to stay at home, but she wasn't very happy with that answer, so she decided to book us a hotel room! So nice of her! After the wedding I still had to drop everyone off in OB (still don't know how I managed to drive--I'd only gotten 1.5 hours of sleep the previous night!) Once we got home, I had to take a nap, especially if we were meeting up with our friends later, which we were. We were to meet everyone at Shout House at 8 pm. It was a Sunday night, so downtown wasn't too crazy, but we ended up parking in the hotel parking lot (or so we thought anyway!) and walking to Shout House. We made it there a little late since it was so hard for me to wake up and get ready, but still had such a great night, nonetheless! I have to say, I have some of the best friends around, and I'm so thankful that everyone came to San Diego from England & Seattle!! :-) 
Jessica ended up putting Peter & my name up on the pianos, so not long after we'd arrived we were already being called up to the stage! We wanted the Brits to experience being on stage too, so Jessica made sure that happened, and it was so much fun! A perfect ending to such a good day, and surrounded by amazing people.

After Shout House, we were off to our hotel room at the Westin! Jessica had our key, so we weren't able to see it before Shout House. As we took the elevator up to our floor and approached our room at the end of the aisle, we saw a single rose on our door handle :-) We walked into our amazing room and here is what we saw:

Champagne, rose petals, roses, a huge bed and...lingerie. It was so sweet!! My only regret about this night--to make it more wedding night-esque--was to have gotten more sleep so I didn't want to immediately pass out.  We each poured a glass of champagne (only to have one sip!) and didn't stay up very much longer, since we'd gotten back so late from our night out. But we did absolutely love that bed. It was so big that we waved to each other from each end :-) The next morning we woke up pretty early since we had to take the speakers back and meet the gang at the zoo.  It was a much busier morning/day than I planned to have, especially since we had this awesome hotel room that we were leaving hours before we had to. Overall though, I am very thankful to Jessica, Leiann and Joey for being so incredibly thoughtful and getting us the room, champagne, lingerie ;-) and setting up our night at Shout House, and for everyone who came!

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