Tonight, I'm going to slowly work my way backwards.
I'll start with the New Year, reflect a little, then make my way back to Christmas, our trip to San Diego, my personal development, moms visit to England (whoa, in June!), and whatever else might come to mind {hopefully}.
I've never really been the type to come up with a new years resolution because I am a true believer that you can make changes any day of the year, not just at the beginning of the year. If I'm not happy with something, I usually change it as soon as I can.
This year is a teeny bit different. I recently read a book called "How to have a brilliant life", and I had to write down 50 things I wanted. Do you think you could write down 50 things you want in life? It took me some time and a lot of thought, but I managed. Once I knew what I wanted, I had to categorize them into short-term (90 days), medium-term (1-5years) and long term (+5yrs) goals. Did you know that only about 5% of people write down their goals? Apparently "committing goals to paper and reviewing them regularly gives you a 95% higher chance of achieving your desired outcomes. Studies have shown that only three to five percent of people in the world have written goals – the same three to five percent who have achieved success in reaching those goals."
I won't share my 50 wants or my goals, but I will share a few things I'd like to work on in 2013.
- Find my career. My passion.
- Listen to my heart more
- Meditate more.
- Take more risks. Even when they're scary
- Learn more.
- Learn about investing
- Make more videos & set aside more time for making them.
- Call family and friends more
- Take more adventures
- Be more spontaneous. Don't wait for a reason.
- Stop worrying about what anyone thinks
- Continue to grow in love
- save more

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