Sunday, 16 June 2013

I Dare You to Do Better

Peter introduced me to the newest Star Trek (2009) a few weeks ago since the second one came out in theater recently. I admit, didn't think I would like it and it took a little persuading for me to finally watch it. What do you think has happened since? I've seen it almost 3 times and volunteered to see the second in theater - of course, I loved them!

We watched it again last night and I felt really connected to a few quotes. If you're thinking about making some changes right now, either in life, your career, or just in general, then these quotes are definitely something to ponder:

Do you feel like you were meant for something better? Something special?

I think we've all probably been in that boat where you don't quite know what you want to do for the rest of your life. Obviously, so much of our time is spent working so it's important to do find a career we love. Something we're passionate about. Something bigger than ourselves. A job that gives us reason and purpose - a job that gets us out of bed everyday. Right now, unfortunately I feel like I am sort of sitting back comfortably, I'm definitely not challenging myself as much as I should be. I know I'm not in my career right now. I know I need to stop blaming the job market and get up and push myself. Because I know I am meant for something much bigger. If you're feeling the same way, watch the clip above and just as Pike dares Kirk, I dare you to do better.

I admit that recently I've been feeling torn by a few things because they aren't logical. But one thing I've learned is that going with your gut feeling is so darn important. I think it's the only way to truly be happy. And succeed. And even if you fail, at least you have learnt a valuable lesson and you're one step closer to getting where you want to be. Remember Steve Jobs' graduation speech at Stanford? Remember when he admits to dropping out of college? He did it because it felt right. Remember those classes he took that didn't have any purpose at the time? He took them because they felt right. He trusted that those dots would eventually connect, and they did. Course there's no way to know that your dots will connect when you're looking ahead, it's ONLY looking back, but you just have to trust that they will. I know doing what feels right when it goes against logic is so much easier said than done. But I did it when I married Peter. When some of my closest friends and family told me I was too young or didn't know him well enough yet. So why'd I do it anyway, despite logic and everyone's rational opinions? IT FELT RIGHT. They are the feelings only you feel, the ones you cannot explain to others or justify. When you feel those, follow them.

Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life forms and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

Thanks to the book I'm reading, Start with WHY by Simon Sinek, I have a new appreciation for mission statements. I read a blog a few months ago about coming up with a mission statement for your life and I'm still struggling. Mind you, it does suggest sitting down for however long it takes (hopefully no more than a few hours!) and writing a number of mission statements until you know you've finally nailed it. (Apparently you'll know it when it moves you to tears ... slightly sappy, I know, sorry). Anyway, it shouldn't be any surprise then that when I heard the Enterprises' mission statement above, I was pretty much in awe. Boldly go where no one has gone before. Completely reiterates all of the above. Don't simply follow the well-worn path, it's no fun that way anyway.  Dare yourself to do better, to follow your gut, find that something that's bigger than you and GO

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Bringing sexy back

I sometimes find myself complaining about things I could easily give advice on to other people. Isn't it funny how easily you can give advice but then not listen to it yourself? For example: feeling fat. When I feel fat, I feel far from sexy.  If any of my friends were to come to me complaining about feeling fat, or not feeling sexy anymore, here are some things I'd tell them. (Note to self.)
  1. Get fit. Probably my favorite thing ever. But I've found it really difficult to stick a normal routine in this country - something about the weather but I won't go into that. I admit I'm not the best gym member. Running on a treadmill bores me t o  d e a t h. It's not something I could stick to daily. Classes on the other hand, are more my cup of tea. I like the feeling of community in classes. You get to know the people in there (especially if they're fairly small classes like mine) and you can in a way, hold each other accountable to coming and doing better. Since I'm competitive, I tend to do well with others around when it comes to pushing myself. So, if you're having a hard time keeping fit, here are some suggestions besides joining classes at the gym (my favorites are spin and body pump by the way). Run. Or jog if you're a newbie. Set yourself an attainable goal. If you've never run a 5k/10k before, sign up for one in the next few months. Just do it. Then, google training guides & create one for yourself. Then stick to it. I can bet that eventually you're going to end up really enjoying the way you feel when you run, and the feeling after, and you're going to forget that your whole plan was to get fit all together.  If you're a runner now or you've run before but have said that you could never do a half marathon/full marathon, guess what? You can! So sign up for one. But give yourself plenty of time to train. If you're going for a half, I'd say 2-3 months is perfect training time, and for a full, anywhere from 6-8 months should do. If you get bored on runs, or have a hard time on the longer ones, find a running buddy! Or join a running club! I joined a club when I trained for my marathon & don't regret it for a single second. Not only did I enjoy the long runs much more, but I made some really great friends along the way! And don't forget to make time for stretching. My favorite time is just before bed stretched out on a yoga mat, it's so relaxing! Alternately, take a few yoga classes to not only treat your muscles well but to give yourself a space to clear your mind a little too. Once you start to get more fit, you will find that your whole attitude has changed for the better...and your clothes will certainly fit better too!
    1. This section also includes those times you're invited out for a drink or a coffee with your friends/family. Instead of catching up while over-indulging in high caloric drinks, ask your friends if they'd like to catch up over a walk or a hike (in this country those mean the same thing, haha).  Maybe a bike ride? A game of tennis/squash, etc. I've found that some of my best listening and heart-spilling moments have happened on a walk or bike ride with someone. There's something about those endorphins that make you a much better listener and opens your mind.
  2. Eat breakfast - preferably, a healthy one! I read somewhere that the earlier you eat breakfast in the mornings, the faster your body starts metabolizing for the day. My favorite breakfasts (when I make time to make them - see I need to listen to myself!) include: Fresh fruit smoothies. French toast with berries. Cereal with berries. Oatmeal. Toast with peanut butter & milk {sometimes chocolate milk, I admit}. For the times I haven't given myself a lot of time to eat breakfast, I'll sometimes take a breakfast bar like Clif or similar, or breakfast crackers with either coffee or milk. Now, when I make smoothies, I usually use almond milk and/or orange juice {or any juice}, whatever berries I have in the fridge (frozen work just as well!), usually a banana, if I have some spinach, I'll add a few leaves, a few ice cubes & hit blend for pure goodness. Yum, yum. 
  3. Drink lots of water. Like, lots. More than the called for 8 oz per day. Make it your new goal to aim for about 1.5-2 liters a day. And for those moments you're feeling peckish, you're probably just thirsty, so drink some water. If you're reading this in the UK and you love tea, opt out on the sugar - especially if you have more than one cuppa a day. That 'one sugar' really adds up! 
  4. Eat healthier. Or make the necessary changes - you'll know what needs to be eliminated from your diet. Sugar, crisps, hot cocoa powder in your coffee (guilty again!!), cakes, croissants, muffins, etc. Trust yourself to be the judge of the changes you need to make. And you don't have to class this section as a "going on a diet." I've never really believed in diets, but I do believe in making changes and challenging yourself to at least try to keep those things out of your diet. At least for a certain number of days (30-90 is a good start) and by then you should feel much better & realize that you don't actually need those foods anymore! Also, just to state the obvious, add/replace with more fruits and veggies. 
  5. Buy some new lingerie. Or a new nailpolish, or a new dress, whatever might inspire you to look and feel happy in front of the mirror. After I've done numbers 1-4, a new bra or new pair of underwear make me feel a lot sexier. Sometimes even something as small as a new nail polish will change the way I'm feeling, but obviously this is just short-term, so that's why numbers 1-4 are really important first!
  6. Get a new haircut. I always feel good after a fresh haircut & I'll even admit to checking myself out in the mirror every now and again after. And it always feels good when people notice and compliment your new haircut, too!
I hope this helps a little for anyone out there feeling un-sexy or just plain unmotivated! Do you have any more helpful tips?


Saturday, 8 June 2013

Testing: 1, 2, 3?

Is anyone out there?

The past week I've fallen into a little blogging funk. I know I don't blog on a regular basis or anything, but I am starting to wonder if anyone even reads my blog. Or if that's even the point in having a blog. I do check my dashboard on pretty regularly and read blogs of those who are posting. It may also be because I'm a all or nothing kinda gal, and when I can't put my whole heart and soul into a meaningful blog all the time, I start to lose my connection to it all together.

The sole purpose of creating this blog a few years ago was because I was constantly updating people on what was happening on this side of the pond and I found it a great way to update everyone at once simply by sending or posting my blog link. Although I do still update on what we're up to, most of my family and friends keep in touch either through facebook or texting so the blog has become less...purposeful? I'm not even sure anyone even knows or checks my link! I don't have loads of traffic or pageviews and I'm just starting to wonder if my effort is worth the time. I guess blogs aren't really about popularity?

Is it appropriate then to turn the blog into somewhat of a journal? Where I can express ideas, thoughts, breakthroughs, dreams, goals, etc? Is that fun to read? Or just fun to look back on to track progress. 

Maybe I'm just getting bored. Especially after reading other bloggers' super exciting posts - but then again they're also the ones who update regularly.

If you're out there and you enjoy reading, can you let me know?

Are you a regular reader or did you just happen to stumble upon this link?

Any feedback?

Thanks a bunch.