Since the purpose of this blog is to keep everyone updated, and so I won't have to send ten different emails, here is the picture of us at the Spaghetti Factory the night before I left. Thank you so much for such a fabulous meal! It was so nice to have everyone together and just enjoy each others company. Especially sweet baby E, who now says "papa!"

So the flight into London from LAX wasn't too bad at all. It was actually fairly relaxing after such a hectic day. With hardly any sleep at all, I had managed to pack my entire room up, pack my luggage, have problems at the bank with them accidentally canceling my debit card (perfect timing), said my goodbyes at work and to family and friends, packed an extra suitcase on my way out the door after calculating that one of my suitcases weighed 70 pounds when my max was 50, had problems with dad's car starting on the way to the airport (and had to rush over to buy jumper cables), then carry two suitcases, one duffel bag, a carry on bag AND my bike into the airport, unpack the duffel bag (yes, I was that person!) into the suitcase after finding out that it would be cheaper to have an overweight bag than to have an extra bag period, and then finally board the plane.
We took off about 10:30 PM, had dinner served around 11:15--I had a chicken and rice curry which included a bread roll, a salad and some type of banana pudding, not bad for an airplane meal, though I was on Virgin Atlantic, and hadn't eaten anything all day! Then after being given some cosy socks, eye covers, a pillow and blanket, I was fast asleep until about 7:30 AM when the rest of the plane seemed to wake as well. Then breakfast was served, I had a bagel with ham and cheese with orange juice. I had no desire to take advantage of the television in front of me, or utilize the fancy remote control attached to my seat (which even controlled the light switch!), however, I did get restless in my seat after nearly ten hours, which is typical.
A lot of people told me I would feel much more relieved after having packed my bags and once in the air, however, my biggest fear was actually getting through the UK Border Control. When we first bought my ticket, it was a one way. So after being told from many people to buy a return ticket home, we finally did. Of course I had printed all of my proof of leaving in March, as well as our ticket to France in January, and a letter from Peter letting them know he was okay with having me. The line was ridiculous in customs. As I looked around to see so many foreigners, (hopefully this isn't racist), I couldn't help but think--if they're letting these people in, they have to let me in, too! Once it was finally my turn, the woman helping me asked the obvious question: Why are you coming to the UK? Then followed the thousand other questions: Why are you staying for so long? What is your occupation and what's happening with your job? How much money do you have, cash and in your bank? Why were you here in July? How do you know Peter, how did you meet, what is his occupation? As you can imagine, I tried to answer each question as adequately as possible to meet the requirements, and during so she was taking notes, and thumbing through my papers. After I waited a few minutes for her to continue writing (the perspiration now dripping down my back and forehead), she stopped to tell me her conclusion, and honestly, I was convinced I was going home. She then let me know that because I had proof that I would be leaving, she would be stamping my passport with the allowance of entry, however, with a different stamp than the one she would have used, had she been 100% satisfied with me. So basically saying, if I leave the country again (which we will in January to France), to be prepared for a similar experience and to bring all of my proof with me again. Though quite a traumatizing experience, I was finally able to feel: Relief.
Since the theme of my journey seemed to be that the universe was slightly against me, of course my phone was dead, to top it all off. No worries though, I managed to get all of my luggage onto a trolley (cart), with the help of a nice man who saw me struggle to fit my bike in with the mix, and after walking through the exit, Peter found me! I arrived at the airport about 4:30 PM to find that since their recent time change, it was already dark outside. Which made staying awake on the car ride home a struggle. Once we got back to Canterbury (it took close to two hours because of traffic in London), we got my luggage inside and went for a short walk to pick up dinner, where we got a simple and lovely meal of Chinese takeout. I came inside to find a nice pile of presents waiting for me, including flowers, wellies (rainboots),

the DVD
Once, a hoodie, and a few cards and presents from his housemate Kerry. The following day, I am pretty sure I managed to sleep close to 16 hours, waking up only to shower. I was, as they would say here, "knackered!" Peter had to drag me out of bed, and once I was, we went to see the movie "Social Network," at the cinema with Kerry. It turned out to be really good, and then we came back to enjoy a nice evening inside together. The next day, Friday, we went into town for a little bit to walk around (it's so cute!) and I think we had a few things to get done, but this was their firework day! Similar to our Fourth of July, but it's:
Remember, Remember the 5th of November. So we went to his family's house that evening in Lyminge to watch their village fireworks, came back to watch Peter's dad light a few more fireworks from the garden, and then we all had a nice meal. Saturday, we had a bit of a "lay in," (slept in), came back to Canterbury, watched the opening of their rugby game, New Zealand vs England, and headed over to
Leeds Castle to watch the firework show there, which turned out to be amazing! Even better than Disneyland, dare I say!
With the castle as the backdrop, and 'classic film' themed, the fireworks were in sync with music that everyone knew--they were indeed, quite spectacular!

Since the weekend, we haven't been up to much, really. The weather is grey, gloomy and cold, so I haven't been very motivated to go outside, unless we have to. We've gone grocery shopping for a few things, and have made a couple nice dinners and I made french toast with berries the other morning. We did go out to a pub on Monday night, where I had my first taste of alcoholic
Ginger Beer. It's really tasty! That ended up being a nice evening with some friends, though Peter and I started to freeze, as we were sitting outside. Yesterday was Peter's first day back to work since my being here. I had big plans for the day--start up my blog, do some laundry, iron some clothes (they don't have dryers), UNPACK, etc...and what did I do instead? I slept from 9am-3:30pm. Good ol Jet lag, still hangin around one week later. So in the hour before Peter came home, I was able to hang up the majority of my clothes in our closet and clean the room up a bit.
Not sure if anyone can help (a bit of feedback?), but since Saturday, my left shin has been completely numb! I thought it was from being cold on Saturday night while watching the fireworks, but I've noticed that it still hasn't gone away. It was especially weird shaving my legs in the shower the other day and not having any feeling. It spans from my knee to about three quarters down my leg, and it's only the left portion of my shin (not my calf). Weird. I may be persuaded into getting it checked out if it persists much longer. I've read a few things online that say it could be a nerve in the lower back that affects certain areas of the leg, depending on which nerve and is caused from bending motions under resistance, or I have also read that it could be pinched from sitting in one position for too long (the plane?). Alongside that, I am still struggling with sleeping through an entire night. I get tired throughout the evening, and am able to fall asleep around midnight, but then I wake up around 4-5AM and am WIDE awake until Peter wakes up, or until I wake him up (around 6:30-7). When I wake up, my mind immediately starts racing with thoughts of random things, and I can't shut it off. My back gets really sore too, but I can't understand how I can fall asleep comfortably, but then wake up a few hours later so uncomfortable. So with my mind racing, my back hurting, I still can't manage to get a good night's rest. Not sure if that's even jet lag anymore.
Anyway, the sun is finally out! So, I may have to go celebrate and actually get some stuff done today! Will keep this updated with pictures and such. Feel free to comment, or shoot me an
Also, here is my address for the next five months:
42 Kirbys Lane
Missing and loving my family and friends! xx